Subcontractor XML Data (v2)
For subcontractors, we offer a data export for allocated delivery consignments as well as an import function for PODs and delivery datetime status. All data can be transferred via FTP.
Consignment Export
This is the file which contains the consignment xml data exported from Hi-Trans Express. XML properties and descriptions can be found below.
XML Properties
consginmentNo string
Consignment number. Must contain pre-approved consignment number prefix assigned by Hi-Trans
despatchDate string dd/MM/yyyy
Original despatch date of consignment note
serviceCode string
Hi-Trans Express service level code. Current options are G, X, L and F for General, Express, Local and Full Load services respectively.
accountNumber string
Hi-Trans Express customer account number
consignmentInstructions string
Up to 120 character general instructions
senderName string
The business name of the sender
senderAddress1 string
The sender’s address
senderAddress2 string
The sender’s address
senderAddress3 string
The sender’s address
senderSuburb string
The sender’s suburb. Our database contains all suburbs from the Australia Post database which can be found here: Postcodes Australia | Postcode Search & Finder - Australia Post (
senderState string
The sending state. Options are ‘SA’, ‘QLD’, ‘VIC’, ‘NSW’, ‘ACT', ‘NT’, ‘WA’, 'TAS’
senderPostcode unsignedShort
The sender postcode. Our database contains all suburbs from the Australia Post database which can be found here: Postcodes Australia | Postcode Search & Finder - Australia Post (
senderInstructions string
Any additional instructions for pickup of the freight. Up to 120 characters
senderSiteContact string
The contact name of the sender
senderSitePhone string
The contact number of the sender.
senderReference string
An additional user reference for the consignment note. Eg. a purchase order number.
receiverName string
The business name of the receiver
receiverAddress1 string
The receiver’s address
receiverAddress2 string
The receiver’s address
receiverAddress3 string
The receiver’s address
receiverSuburb string
The receiver’s suburb. Our database contains all suburbs from the Australia Post database which can be found here: Postcodes Australia | Postcode Search & Finder - Australia Post (
receiverState string
The receiving state. Options are ‘SA’, ‘QLD’, ‘VIC’, ‘NSW’, ‘ACT', ‘NT’, ‘WA’, 'TAS’
receiverPostcode unsignedShort
The receiver postcode. Our database contains all suburbs from the Australia Post database which can be found here: Postcodes Australia | Postcode Search & Finder - Australia Post (
receiverInstructions string
Additional instructions for consignment delivery
receiverSiteContact string
The contact name of the receiver
receiverSitePhone string
The contact number of the receiver.
receiverReference string
An additional user reference for the consignment note. Eg. a purchase order number.
deliveryRequiredDate string dd/MM/yyyy
If delivery is required at specific date
deliveryRequiredTime string HH:mm
If delivery is required at specific time
deliveryRunNumber string
Hi-Trans Express manifest number reference
deliveryRunDate string dd/MM/yyyy
Scheduled manifest date
orderLines.orderLine.itemReference string
User reference number for freight line item. Eg. A purchase order number.
orderLines.orderLine.logisticUnit string
The unit name for the freight line item. Corresponds to the rate units found on the customer account
orderLines.orderLine.description string
A brief description of the freight items. Eg. Electronic Goods
orderLines.orderLine.quantity decimal 0.000 - 999.999
The quantity of this freight line item.
orderLines.orderLine.weight decimal 0.000 - 999.999
The total weight for this line item in tonnes. Eg if there are 5x 0.200t pallets, the total weight would be 1.000t
orderLines.orderLine.length decimal 0.000 - 999.999
The length of each individual item in metres.
orderLines.orderLine.width decimal 0.000 - 999.999
The width of each individual item in metres.
orderLines.orderLine.depth decimal 0.000 - 999.999
The depth of each individual item in metres.
orderLines.orderLine.cube decimal 0.000 - 999.999
The total volume for this line item in cubic metres. Eg if there are 4x 1.2mx1.2mx1.2m pallets, the total volume would be 6.912
orderLines.orderLine.unCode unsignedShort
If containing dangerous goods, the UN number for this freight. Please refer to the latest version of the Dangerous Goods Code Australian Dangerous Goods Code | National Transport Commission (
Freight with mixed dangerous goods can use the value 0000 to provide the ‘Mixed DG’ flag.
orderLines.orderLine.unAmount decimal 0.0 - 9999.9
The amount of dangerous goods in litres or kilograms
Example XML Export File
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<consignmentInstructions />
<senderName>test sender</senderName>
<senderAddress1>Unit 1, 10-12 Forsyth Close</senderAddress1>
<senderAddress2 />
<senderAddress3 />
<senderSuburb>Wetherill Park</senderSuburb>
<receiverName>TEST Receiver</receiverName>
<receiverAddress1>41 Glendevon Drive</receiverAddress1>
<receiverAddress2 />
<receiverAddress3 />
<receiverSiteContact>test person</receiverSiteContact>
<receiverReference />
<deliveryRequiredDate />
<deliveryRequiredTime />
<unNumber />
<unAmount />
File Naming
Data is exported as individual consignment xml files with the consignment number as the filename.
eg. TestConsignment1.xml
Files will be transferred via FTP as they are allocated to you by our fleet coordinators within our software
Delivery Status and POD Import
Subcontractors that move our freight can import delivery status files natively using an xml sent via FTP as well as a separate image file.
XML Properties
consignmentNo string dd/MM/yyyy
Consignment number. Must be an existing consignment number to update information
deliveryDate string dd/MM/yyyy
Delivery date of consignment
deliveryTime string HH:mm
Delivery time of consignment
Example XML File
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
POD Image
POD images can be transferred to the specified FTP folder with the consignment note number as the filename.
Eg. Testconsignment1.jpg
We support most common image formats for PODs including jpg, gif, tif, png as well as pdf files.